rfc2865 and RADIUS-LDAPv3.schema inconsistencies?

Paul TBBle Hampson Paul.Hampson at Pobox.com
Tue Jan 31 11:42:28 CET 2006

On Sun, Jan 29, 2006 at 08:05:51PM -0500, Alan DeKok wrote:
> Nicolas Baradakis <nbk at sitadelle.com> wrote:
>> I think it would be nice. For now the SQL schemas are not installed at
>> all by the makefiles. In the Debian package for example, Paul has
>> gathered all these orphan files under /usr/share/doc/freeradius/examples.

>   That's OK.  Technically they're not examples if they're required,
> but if/when we make the SQL queries more configurable, the existing
> schemas can be examples.

I figure they're examples because you get things like the pg voip
billing stuff (that I've just noticed isn't being shipped in that
directory); and because you don't _need_ to use them.

I doubt anyone's _actually_ going to start without them, but I myself
have pretty much emptied the supplied rad* (except radacct) tables
because I kept running out of space in my %{sql:} translations, and
wasn't yet a member of the stored-procedure elite.

(I realise it won't scale well. If I wanted to scale, I'd migrate off
mysql anyway... some kind of caching LDAP setup maybe?)

>> We might have a subdirectory doc/schema or doc/something in the source
>> tree, and move the files here with simpler names:

>   Maybe just doc/examples.  We can put examples of the configuration
> files there, too.  i.e. examples of how to configure X, rather than
> text describing how to do X.

I'd have thought those should be one and the same, largely...?

Paul "TBBle" Hampson, Bsc, MCSE
On-hiatus Asian Studies student, ANU
The Boss, Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)
Paul.Hampson at Pobox.Com

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