Hello everybody is it possible to add inside from a Module an Attribute. I have included an C-Modul to my freeradis which works!<br>
Now i want do add an individual Attribute like, "Web-Page" = "<a href="http://www.google.de">www.google.de</a>"<br>
Which also works it's to change the Attribute-Value if the "State" Attribute, but I also want to have antoher Name like "State".<br>
VALUE_PAIR *reply;<br>
reply = pairmake("<b>State</b>", "<b>Hello State</b>", T_OP_EQ);<br>
pairadd(&request->reply->vps, reply);<br>
This works fine, but If now I want to add an individual Attribute it doens't work. <br>
VALUE_PAIR *reply;<br>
reply = pairmake("<b>Web_page</b>", "<b><a href="http://www.google.de">www.google.de</a></b>", T_OP_EQ);<br>
pairadd(&request->reply->vps, reply);<br>
Did everyone know what did I made wrong and could help me please ?<br>
Greetz Patrick<br>