Hello everybody,<br>i want to know if it is possible the get The Attributtes Value inside an Module!<br><br>First I have the following dictonairy:<br><br>VENDOR Cisco-ASA 3076<br><br>
BEGIN-VENDOR Cisco-ASA<br>ATTRIBUTE CASA-Tunnel-Group-Name 146 string<br>ATTRIBUTE CASA-Client-Type 150 integer<br>ATTRIBUTE CASA-Session-Type 151 integer<br>
ATTRIBUTE CASA-Session-subype 152 integer<br>ATTRIBUTE CASA-WebVPN-Homepage 76 string<br><br><br>VALUE CASA-Client-Type Cisco-VPN-Client 1<br>
VALUE CASA-Client-Type AnyConnect-Client-SSL-VPN 2<br>VALUE CASA-Client-Type Clientless-SSL-VPN 3<br>VALUE CASA-Client-Type Cut-Through-Proxy 4<br>VALUE CASA-Client-Type L2TP/IPsec-SSL-VPN 5<br>
VALUE CASA-Client-Type AnyConnect-Client-IPsec-VPN 6<br><br>......<br>.....<br>.....<br><br><br>Now I'am trieing to get out inside my C-Module the Value of the Attribute "CASA-Client-Type", but I didn't get working it! <br>
I want this because I want to know inside my Module if the connected Client is "annyConnect " etc. to create an Action!<br>I tried to use the dictionary functions:<br><br>*dict_attrbyvalue(unsigned int attr);<br>
dict_valbyname(unsigned int attr, const char *val);<br><br><br>But I didn't find any ot the Attributes in my Dictionary File! Is their another way to access to the Attributes from an Dictionary File ?<br>I hope somebody please could help me ?<br>