Selecting one of multiple Ldap server in users file

xav guerin xavtoo at
Wed Dec 28 12:16:31 CET 2005

Use Autz-Type instead of Auth-Type
and set "Autz-Type := aldap1" in the users file (in check items)

2005/12/28, Gerald Richter <richter at>:
> Hi,
> I want to use more than one ldap server to authenticate users. I have setup
> a users file that sets the Autz-Type so one of two ldap server are selected
> for authorization. Since it is not known which kind of authentication
> information is provied by the user, chap is also included, like
> Authorize
>         {
>         preprocess
>         suffix
>         file
>         Auth-Type aldap1
>                 {
>                 chap
>                 ldap1
>                 }
>         Auth-Type aldap2
>                 {
>                 chap
>                 ldap2
>                 }
>         }
> My problem is now when it comes the authentication, because both instances
> of the ldap module sets the Auth-Type to LDAP, it will only work with one
> ldap server. Also I cannot set the Auth-Type in the users file, because it
> might also be set to CHAP by the chap module.
> How can I specify which ldap server to use for authentication in such a
> case? Is there a possibility to include the module instance name in the
> Auth-Type?
> Thanks
> Gerald
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Gerald Richter            ecos electronic communication services gmbh
> IT-Securitylösungen * Webapplikationen mit Apache/Perl/mod_perl/Embperl
> Post:       Tulpenstrasse 5          D-55276 Dienheim b. Mainz
> E-Mail:     richter at          Voice:   +49 6133 939-122
> WWW:      Fax:     +49 6133 939-333
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