Using RADIUS for content filtering.

Rohaizam Abu Bakar haizam at
Fri Jul 29 10:04:41 CEST 2005

Dear all,

I've given one assignment to create some sort of tunneling to cache server (netcache) to do some content filtering when browsing. 

There will be 2 cache-server. One passing all traffic & another one will do content filtering..

When user subscribe to this service (for their children maybe)..  When user doing authentication, what should i include in the profile for the traffic to be diverted to cache server that do the filtering?

Is it possible to use below?  Or pls suggest suitable method.. 

Login-Service: TCP-Clear
Service-Type: Login-User
Login-TCP-Port: 80

I've heart about method L2TP tunnelling with ERX/SDX (juniper) .. But that seems costly...




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