NAS info + MySQL

Marcin Jessa lists at
Wed Jun 1 14:09:47 CEST 2005

Hi guys.

I was wondering if the information read from the nas table is in any way used by freeradius or maybe I misread/misconfigured something?
The sql.conf file has set readclients = yes but freeradius is ignoring the information stored in sql using only the one from clients.conf.
The clients.conf itself has to be included in the radiusd.conf as well and the clients.conf needs at least one valid client info stored in it.

Example of my nas table:

mysql> select * from nas;
| id | nasname           | shortname | type     | ports | secret   | community | description                      |
|  1 | localhost         | Localhost | mikrotik |  1812 | xxxyyyzz | whatever  | Localhost Radius Server  |
|  4 | | demo     | mikrotik |  1812 | xxxyyzz | whatever  | Demo Radius Server      |

The hosts in nasname have their corresponding IP's stored in /etc/hosts or a local DNS server.

Marcin Jessa.

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