Trouble with HTTPS and mod_auth_radius

Zawacki Jason D Contr AFRL/IFOS Jason.Zawacki at
Mon Jun 6 17:43:31 CEST 2005

Hey folks,
I'm having trouble getting my configuration to work with SSL enabled in
apache 1.3.33 using mod_auth_radius (mod_auth_radius.c,v 1.15 2003/03/24
19:16:15).  This same setup works fine when SSL is not enabled.  If I go to
the page I've configured for radius auth, I get an Internal Server Error.
I've shut off all other authentications for this location (NTLM) and the
mod_auth module is not being activated.  Even so, the apache error log
indicates that it is looking for a user file as if I were using mod_auth.
Here is my setup:
LoadModule radius_auth_module   libexec/
#AddModule mod_auth.c
AddModule mod_auth_radius.c
AddRadiusCookieValid    5
<Location /test-radius>
AllowOverride None
order allow,deny
allow from all
AuthName "RRS Radius test"
AuthType Basic
NTLMAuthoritative off
NTLMAuth off
NTLMBasicAuth off
AuthRadiusAuthoritative on
AuthRadiusActive on
require valid-user

Like I said, the same setup works fine for a non-SSL URL, which puzzles me
greatly.  I'm using this box to test several authentication schemes
including ldap, ntlm, and kerberos and none of demonstrated the same

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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