Authenticate/Attributes based on NAS-IP-Address

N White nwtech at
Wed Jun 8 22:12:21 CEST 2005

nevermind, i added "tml" to it. haha.

N White wrote:

> That link doesn't give me anything. Page Not Found. I've done a lot of 
> searching through the archives though and haven't really found 
> anything like this.
> -Nick
> Mike Lampson wrote:
>> Nick,
>> Extend the MySQL schema and change the SQL queries in sql.conf to do 
>> what
>> you want.  You could extend by HuntGroup, NAS-IP, Client-IP, 
>> whatever.  See
>> my previous post to this list archived here:
>> tml
>> Cheers,
>> _Mike
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Message: 6
>> Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 19:20:28 -0700
>> From: N White <nwtech at>
>> Subject: Re: Authenticate/Attributes based on NAS-IP-Address
>> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
>>     <freeradius-users at>
>> Message-ID: <42A655EC.7050009 at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>> Actually I already have two running FreeRADIUS servers with SQL. That
>> isn't the hard part. The problem with your instructions is that I'm not
>> using ippool to assign dynamic IPs, our NASes are doing that (Portmaster
>> 2/3). I don't have a problem setting up static IPs either, as we have
>> several Dial-Up users who need those also. The problem lies in that I
>> want to use the RADIUS server for PPPoE authentication also. But I want
>> to allow users who log in through PPPoE to also be able to log in
>> regularly(Dial-Up), when their PPPoE isn't logged in. BUT, when they log
>> in through PPPoE, I want them to be assigned a static IP, when they
>> login via Portmasters/Dial-Up, then they don't get the static IP, they
>> get a regular dynamic one.
>> Basically if a user logs in through NAS1, they are assigned X attributes
>> with dynamic IP, if they log in through NAS2, they are assigned Y
>> attributes with a static IP. And all this needs to be done in MySQL,
>> that way my own PHP frontend(which I intend to release GPL) can work
>> with it. Also I think MySQL scales better.
>> -Nick
>> -- 
>> ------------------------
>> | Nick White           |
>> | Network Consultant   |
>> | |
>> | nwtech at  |
>> ------------------------
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| Nick White           |
| Network Consultant   |
| |
| nwtech at  |

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