Exec-Program-Wait: plaintext:

Americatel Centroamerica mundo123_sv at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 17 23:06:50 CEST 2005

Hi, i have two servers with diferent versions of
freeradius, one with 0.9 and another with 1.0.1.
I have an Exec-Program-Wait perl script configured to
add some attributes to the reply, all is working
flawlessly on the 0.9, but the same script doesnt work
on the 1.0 server, the output items of the script dont
appear on the reply items, this is the debug output on
the server with 1.0

radius_xlat:  '/root/get_credit_time.pl'
Exec-Program: /root/get_credit_time.pl
Exec-Program output: h323-credit-time =
"h323-credit-time=1125" h323-return-code =
Exec-Program-Wait: plaintext: h323-credit-time =
"h323-credit-time=1125" h323-return-code =
Exec-Program: returned: 0
Login OK: [3212244132] (from client private-network
port 0 cli 50322660124)
Sending Access-Accept of id 179 to
        h323-credit-amount = "h323-credit-amount=3.00"
        h323-prompt-id = "h323-prompt-id=1350"
Finished request 13

Look at the Exec-Program-Wait: plaintext:???

on the other server (with 0.9) the reply is as

Sending Access-Accept of id 179 to
        h323-credit-amount = "h323-credit-amount=3.00"
        h323-prompt-id = "h323-prompt-id=1350"
    h323-credit-time = "h323-credit-time=1125"
    h323-return-code = "h323-return-code=0"
Finished request 13

what is the configuration problem?


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