EAP-TLS reject if CN not in MySQL

Ben Dowling bendowling at lineone.net
Tue Sep 27 18:55:10 CEST 2005


I still haven't figured this one out, and would really appreciate some 
help. I've tried playing around with the DEFAULT profile in the users 
file, giving it Auth-Type: Reject, but certificates with CN not in the 
database are still authenticated. How do I get freeradius to check for 
the username in mysql with EAP-TLS?

Cheers, Ben

Ben Dowling wrote:

> Hi,
> I have freeradius-1.04 configured with MySQL using EAP-TLS and PEAP 
> for authentication. I wish to reject users whose common name (CN) is 
> not included in the MySQL database. I have read the thread regarding 
> this exact problem at:
> http://lists.cistron.nl/pipermail/freeradius-users/2004-May/032110.html
> and it seems I need to set the DEFAULT profile to reject. I don't 
> quite understand the thread though, is this the DEFAULT profile in the 
> users file, or can I configure this in MySQL. Either way, could 
> someone please provide me with an example of what the DEFAULT profile 
> entry should look like in order to achieve this?
> Thanks for the help,
> Ben Dowling
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