Unresponsive child

Matt Dunkin mdunkin at innflux.com
Wed Aug 9 18:06:52 CEST 2006

Thanks for the suggestions guys... for now I think I have located the 
problem. I had the max servers set at 32. I bumped that number up to 64 
and also cleaned up my perl script a little.

Alan Lumb wrote:

>I do exactly the same thing as you - I get this problem from time to time
>(usually accompanied by a few discarding duplicate request messages as the
>nas re attempts).
>The documentation says that if you get these its probably back end, and
>its right. Usually its a slow query of some description, or the SQL server
>fails to respond in a timely manner.  Do you account to SQL as well?.  You
>could log slow queries in SQL and examine these.
>Of course it could be a loop thats not exiting within your perl script or
>Heres a list of things that have caused it for me.
>1) Could not connect to accounting database in a timely manner (fixed this
>by putting a connect timeout and dropping the packet if no connection can
>be made)
>2) Queries were taking too long (added a couple of keys/indexes)
>3) Disk filled up on accounting database (SQL just sat there and didn't
>Its always been my fault, never radius's.  My suggestion, put some more
>error checking in your script and if it cant do anything due to back end
>return RLM_MODULE_FAIL (one of the constants in the example).
>>Each function in the perl script opens a mysql connection then closes it
>>before finishing the function. Could this be the problem? Should I
>>create an initial connection and use it throughout the script?
>I find the simplest thing to do is create a persistent DBH, and create a
>routine which checks the DBH handle at the beggining of my script like so
>($dbh is a global):
>sub ensuredbh{
>        #if the database connection raised an error at the last query or
>if there isnt a database handle, then re-create one.
>        if(ref($dbh) && $dbh->ping) {
>                        return 1;
>        }
>        else{
>                print "Database connection error - re-establishing\n";
>                our $dbh=DBI->connect($dbhdsn,$dbhuser,$dbhpass) or return
>                return(1);
>        }
>in authenticate i can do
>&ensuredbh or return RLM_MODULE_FAIL;
>>After some recent changes to my rlm_perl perl script I am getting the
>>following messages all the time...
>>Tue Aug  8 08:08:50 2006 : Error: WARNING: Unresponsive child (id
>>2966633392) for request 28
>>Tue Aug  8 08:08:50 2006 : Error: WARNING: Unresponsive child (id
>>2977528752) for request 27
>>Tue Aug  8 08:08:50 2006 : Error: WARNING: Unresponsive child (id
>>2988153776) for request 25
>>Usually after a lot of these radius will crash and will need to be
>>restarted. I was receiving the sql running out of connections error but
>>I am not getting those anymore after tuning my tables. I don't believe
>>at this point that this is a mysql issue however any suggestions would
>>be appreciated. I do access mysql from my perl script so that could be
>>the problem.
>>Each function in the perl script opens a mysql connection then closes it
>>before finishing the function. Could this be the problem? Should I
>>create an initial connection and use it throughout the script?
>>Thanks Guys, I know you will know what the problem is.
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