rlm_perl and accounting

Pshem Kowalczyk pshem.k at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 01:24:38 CEST 2006

On 8/23/06, Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com> wrote:
> > > I see the patch you're referring to, but after rethinking my question, I
> > > think what I'm really trying to do is rewrite $RAD_REQUEST, not
> > > $RAD_REPLY, and it does not appear that I can alter $RAD_REQUEST in any
> > > way - either change or add.
>   Hmm... looking into it in a little more detail, I think it would be
> even easier to do it another way.  The code in CVS head has been
> updated to allow for ":=", to over-write existing attributes.  But I
> think it might be even easier to simply use the hashes as-is, and
> replace the existing attribute lists.
>   i.e. put the attributes into perl hashes, and then make those perl
> hashes definitive for the new values of the attributes.  This would
> involve throwing away the previous attributes entirely.  So you would
> have to be *very* careful about modifying the hashes, but you would
> have complete flexibility.
>   Comments?  I don't think this will go into 1.1.3, though...

In my opinion - brilliant. This is exactly what we need (for both
requests and replies).
Even if it was just in cvs would save us a lot of hastle. Simply a
great feature :-)


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