Freeradius + OpenLDAP - user password problem

Tilen lutemberg at
Wed Aug 23 10:11:55 CEST 2006

I get Access-Reject, whole debug log is here:

   rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=0,
        User-Name = "test"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Called-Station-Id = "004010100003"
        Calling-Station-Id = "000e3557c74e"
        NAS-Identifier = "004010100003"
        NAS-Port = 30
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0xfbfc085c4b8a5b1973ea7d92703b0061
        NAS-Port-Type = Wireless-802.11
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x11f7f2a8e75c95f1e0e284a7dfd86163
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 4
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 4
  modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop for request 4
  modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 4
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "test", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 4
  rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 1 length 106
  rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
  modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated for request 4
rlm_ldap: - authorize
rlm_ldap: performing user authorization for test
radius_xlat:  '(uid=test)'
radius_xlat:  'ou=People,dc=kapion,dc=si'
rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
rlm_ldap: performing search in ou=People,dc=kapion,dc=si, with filter
rlm_ldap: looking for check items in directory...
rlm_ldap: looking for reply items in directory...
rlm_ldap: user test authorized to use remote access
rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
  modcall[authorize]: module "ldap" returns ok for request 4
modcall: group authorize returns updated for request 4
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
  Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 4
  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP/peap
  rlm_eap: processing type peap
  rlm_eap_peap: Authenticate
  rlm_eap_tls: processing TLS
rlm_eap_tls:  Length Included
  eaptls_verify returned 11
    (other): before/accept initialization
    TLS_accept: before/accept initialization
  rlm_eap_tls: <<< TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 005b], ClientHello
    TLS_accept: SSLv3 read client hello A
  rlm_eap_tls: >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 004a], ServerHello
    TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server hello A
  rlm_eap_tls: >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 031d], Certificate
    TLS_accept: SSLv3 write certificate A
  rlm_eap_tls: >>> TLS 1.0 Handshake [length 0004], ServerHelloDone
    TLS_accept: SSLv3 write server done A
    TLS_accept: SSLv3 flush data
    TLS_accept:error in SSLv3 read client certificate A
In SSL Handshake Phase
In SSL Accept mode
  eaptls_process returned 13
  rlm_eap_peap: EAPTLS_HANDLED
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns handled for request 4
modcall: group authenticate returns handled for request 4
Sending Access-Challenge of id 0 to
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        EAP-Message =
        Message-Authenticator = 0x00000000000000000000000000000000
        State = 0x78d2170e45bcb6eac38f66525f681d9e
Finished request 4
Going to the next request
--- Walking the entire request list ---
Waking up in 6 seconds...
rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=0, length=147
        User-Name = "test"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        Called-Station-Id = "004010100003"
        Calling-Station-Id = "000e3557c74e"
        NAS-Identifier = "004010100003"
        NAS-Port = 30
        Framed-MTU = 1400
        State = 0x78d2170e45bcb6eac38f66525f681d9e
    Message-Authenticator = 0x90ba3baf012b7509c5c4c985a5452b26
  Processing the authorize section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authorize for request 5
  modcall[authorize]: module "preprocess" returns ok for request 5
  modcall[authorize]: module "chap" returns noop for request 5
  modcall[authorize]: module "mschap" returns noop for request 5
    rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "test", looking up realm NULL
    rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
  modcall[authorize]: module "suffix" returns noop for request 5
  rlm_eap: EAP packet type response id 2 length 17
  rlm_eap: No EAP Start, assuming it's an on-going EAP conversation
  modcall[authorize]: module "eap" returns updated for request 5
rlm_ldap: - authorize
rlm_ldap: performing user authorization for test
radius_xlat:  '(uid=test)'
radius_xlat:  'ou=People,dc=kapion,dc=si'
rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
rlm_ldap: ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
rlm_ldap: performing search in ou=People,dc=kapion,dc=si, with filter
rlm_ldap: looking for check items in directory...
rlm_ldap: looking for reply items in directory...
rlm_ldap: user test authorized to use remote access
rlm_ldap: ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
  modcall[authorize]: module "ldap" returns ok for request 5
modcall: group authorize returns updated for request 5
  rad_check_password:  Found Auth-Type EAP
auth: type "EAP"
  Processing the authenticate section of radiusd.conf
modcall: entering group authenticate for request 5
  rlm_eap: Request found, released from the list
  rlm_eap: EAP/peap
  rlm_eap: processing type peap
  rlm_eap_peap: Authenticate
  rlm_eap_tls: processing TLS
rlm_eap_tls:  Length Included
  eaptls_verify returned 11
  rlm_eap_tls: <<< TLS 1.0 Alert [length 0002], fatal unknown_ca
TLS Alert read:fatal:unknown CA
    TLS_accept:failed in SSLv3 read client certificate A
3239:error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown
ca:s3_pkt.c:1052:SSL alert number 48
3239:error:140940E5:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:ssl handshake
rlm_eap_tls: SSL_read failed in a system call (-1), TLS session fails.
In SSL Handshake Phase
In SSL Accept mode
rlm_eap_tls: BIO_read failed in a system call (-1), TLS session fails.
  eaptls_process returned 13
  rlm_eap_peap: EAPTLS_HANDLED
  rlm_eap: Freeing handler
  modcall[authenticate]: module "eap" returns reject for request 5
modcall: group authenticate returns reject for request 5
auth: Failed to validate the user.
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