realms and local user file processing question

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon Dec 18 18:17:00 CET 2006

Michael Hare wrote:
> Having some problems getting a match on the local users file after a
> successful realm proxy.

  That will change in 2.0, when it's released.  The "users" file should
ONLY be processed before proxying, not after.

> I have tried all sorts of formats in the users file.  I would have
> thought that the first was the correct syntax but it didn't work, hence
> the trial and error.
> mdhare at test
>                 Framed-IP-Address =

  When you're processing the "users" file after proxying, the user name
is the *stripped* name, i.e. without the realm.

> mdhare          Realm == "test"
>                 Framed-IP-Address =

  This should work.

> "mdhare at test"
>                 Framed-IP-Address =

  This is the same as the first entry.

> according to
> "Then the users file is processed as usual. The username used at this
> point is the one after hints file processing (regardless of the "hints"
> option). It also includes the realm (regardless of the setting of the
> "nostrip" option) unless the realm is LOCAL."

  Hmm... I think that's wrong.

> Here is the debug from a login.  How do I further troubleshoot why the
> local users file is not being matched?

  Go back and read the "users" file.  The debug log shows it matching on
line 84, are you *sure* that the "mdhare" entries are before that?

  Alan DeKok.
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