Repost: Properly using the := and = operators?

Mike mike-freeradius at
Tue Dec 26 23:52:07 CET 2006

Dear list,

        I'm having a hard time learning how to use the attribute
properties correctly in my mysql/radius database and my test enviroment
is freeradius 1.1.3 / debian etch. What I'm trying to do is to establish
a 'suspended' user group which receives a Framed-IP-Address attribute of, and which overrides any previously assigned
Famed-IP-Address, if present. I know that group processing is happening,
because I can add attributes to the suspended group and my test user
gets those attributes. I am adding the Framed-IP-Address attribute in
the radreply table, but it is not being overwritten from the one set by
radgroupreply. If I remove this from radreply, then the ip assigned in
suspended group is applied. If I change the one in radgroupreply to use
the += operator, then it returns both ip addresses in the reply. But I
can't seem to get := to overwrite like the docs says it does.

Here is a dump of my sample sql tables:

mysql> select * from radcheck ;
| id | UserName | Attribute     | op | Value           |
|  2 | joe.user | User-Password | == | ididntpaymybill |

mysql> select * from radreply ;
| id | UserName | Attribute         | op | Value   |
|  2 | joe.user | Framed-IP-Address | =  | |

mysql> select * from usergroup ;
| UserName | GroupName | priority |
| joe.user | suspended |        1 |

mysql> select * from radgroupcheck ;
| id | GroupName | Attribute       | op | Value |
|  3 | dynamic   | Framed-Protocol | == | PPP   |
|  4 | suspended | Framed-Protocol | == | PPP   |

mysql> select * from radgroupreply ;
| id | GroupName | Attribute         | op | Value           |
|  6 | suspended | Framed-Netmask    | =  | |
|  5 | suspended | Framed-IP-Address | =  |      |
|  7 | dynamic   | Framed-IP-Address | := | |

Here is the results of running radtest on this user:

> radtest joe.user ididntpaymybill localhost 0 testing123
Sending Access-Request of id 140 to port 1812
        User-Name = "joe.user"
        User-Password = "ididntpaymybill"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 0
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host, id=140, length=32
        Framed-IP-Address =
        Framed-IP-Netmask =

        What I am trying to accomplish is simply to allow us to put
overdue users into the 'suspended' group, which will hand out a
different set of ip addresses than their normal non-suspended
configuration. I realise I  could be approaching this all wrong but
right now I simply set those items (framed-ip-address, framed-route, and
etc) in the radreply table and I don't want to remove those items from
the database, just override them.

        Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.


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