Problems System Auth with FreeRadius (/etc/shadow)

Nataniel Klug nata at
Tue Jan 24 11:21:38 CET 2006


    I am having a big problem with FreeRadius server. It doesnt authenticate
my clients using /etc/shadow and /etc/passwd. When I try to use "radlogin"
or "radtest" this are the messagens I get:

=== radlogin ===
[root at ns2 radius]# radlogin
($Id: radlogin.c,v 1.3 1997/12/29 23:07:25 lf Exp $)
Linux ( (port 0)

login: nata
RADIUS: Authentication failure
local: Authentication failure

[root at ns2 radius]# tail radius.log -n 2
Tue Jan 24 01:24:02 2006 : Auth: rlm_unix: [nata]: invalid password
Tue Jan 24 01:24:02 2006 : Auth: Login incorrect: [nata/1234] (from client
localhost port 0)

=== radtest ===
[root at ns2 radius]# radtest nata 1234 localhost:1812 0 local
Sending Access-Request of id 126 to
        User-Name = "nata"
        User-Password = "1234"
        NAS-IP-Address =
        NAS-Port = 0
rad_recv: Access-Reject packet from host, id=126, length=20
[root at ns2 radius]# tail -n 2 radius.log
Tue Jan 24 01:26:41 2006 : Auth: rlm_unix: [nata]: invalid password
Tue Jan 24 01:26:41 2006 : Auth: Login incorrect: [nata/1234] (from client
localhost port 0)

    I tryed everything I know and it still not working. If I compile and
install Cistron Radius it works just fine, but I dont want Cistron...

Fedora Core 3 - Kernel (compiled from source)

    Waiting for help.


Nataniel Klug

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