Problems System Auth with FreeRadius (/etc/shadow)

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Jan 25 23:58:31 CET 2006

"Nataniel Klug" <nata at> wrote:
> Ok, it disagrees but I am SURE that I have set the password to user nata.
> How can this FreeRadius deny? where it is looking? Why when I install
> Cistron Radius it works fine?

  Because FreeRADIUS is more configurable than Cistron, so there's
more potential for misconfiguration.

  You didn't say how you configured the "unix" module.  But in the
default config, that error message occurs *only* when the password is

  If you've edited the configuration for the "unix" module, then all
bets are off.

  Alan DeKok.

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