EAP doest work with Cisco Catalyst 2950?

Thai Duong thaidn at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 25 10:29:19 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I'm new to this list. I have spent hours searching
Google but still cant not find the solution for my
problem so I decide it's time for the first post.

I follow instructions from
http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8017 with the
following configuration (instead of WLAN, I'm going to
secure my LAN so no access point here) :

- Authentication server: Freeradius 1.1.2 + OpenSSL
0.9.8a. The server is my laptop running Ubuntu 6.06.
The IP address is

- Authenticator: Cisco Catalyst 2950 whose IP is

- Suppliant: WinXP service pack 2

This setup never works as expected. WinXP kept
complaining "Unable to join to the network". I could
not figure out what was the problem. There were no
clue in freeradiusd's logfile and ethereal's dumpfile.
Or maybe I'm no expert on this subject to see the
clue. Please help. You can grab all of my freeradius's
configuration, logfile and ethernet's dumpfile from
http://innology.com.vn/8021x.tar.gz. Please take a
look at it. 


Thai Duong.

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