
Chris Carver ccarver at pennswoods.net
Fri Jun 9 16:32:39 CEST 2006

Cliff Hayes wrote:
> Hello all,
> Making good progress learning Freeradius.  With your help, my new server is
> running and authenticating now.  However, we are used to being able to see
> logs of all activity (tail -f logfile).  With Freeradius, nothing is being
> written to the logs unless there is a problem.  
This is the normal behavior.  You can add additional auth-related 
logging using these variables in radiusd.conf:

log_auth = yes
log_auth_badpass = yes
log_auth_goodpass = yes

> How can I get the logs to
> show the same stuff that scrolls when Freeradius is in debug mode?  That's
> the level of detail we're used to seeing in the logs.
I'm really not sure if this is possible because when you using the 
debugging command line options it tells the server to print them to 
stderr.  I'm not aware of any command line options that can change 
this.  You could always redirect the output.

radiusd -xxx &> radius.log &

Chris Carver
Network Engineer

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