radreply table / OP field length

Cliff Hayes chayes at afo.net
Tue Jun 13 23:28:01 CEST 2006


The included db_mysql.sql which creates the MySQL schema required for
FreeRADIUS created the radreply table with a two-character OP field (I
assume for use with <=, >=, etc).  It defaults to a single "=" and when I
add a record, subsequent queries from a Microsoft SQL 2000 linked Database
connection fail because it wants both characters filled (== maybe).  We use
Platypus as our billing system, which resides in the Microsoft SQL 2000
environment and talks to FreeRADIUS via the link mentioned above.  Should I
change the default to "==" or is there something else?

Here is the error:

Server: Msg 7347, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
OLE DB provider 'MSDASQL' returned an unexpected data length for the
fixed-length column '[FreeRADIUS]...[radreply].op'. The expected data length
is 2, while the returned data length is 1.
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error:  Unexpected data length returned
for the column:  ProviderName='MSDASQL',
TableName='[FreeRADIUS]...[radreply]', ColumnName='op', ExpectedLength='2',


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