howto get/send the fullname of an user

James Wakefield jamesw at
Thu Nov 9 12:14:10 CET 2006

Ariel VIVES wrote:
> Hello the list,
> I'm starting with freeradius.
> Authentication works fine !
> But the informations I get is only the username (le login name in
> /etc/passwd).
> How do I get the Fullname ? Or others informations (like mail, home
> directory, ...)
> Is it possible ?
> is it a configuration  of the server or a request from the client ?
> thanks for your help

Hi Ariel,

Can you give us a bit more information about how you're using 
freeradius?  From your description, it looks vaguely like you're using 
pam_radius to authenticate logins against a freeradius server - is that it?

James Wakefield,
Unix Administrator, Information Technology Services Division
Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria 3217 Australia.

Phone: 03 5227 8690 International: +61 3 5227 8690
Fax:   03 5227 8866 International: +61 3 5227 8866
E-mail:   james.wakefield at

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