Decreasing connection time (Session-Timeout)

micobros micobros at
Sun Oct 22 16:48:34 CEST 2006



I have a wisp solution working with mysql+freeradius and chillispot (ver
1.1) working pretty well together (bandwdth limit, user/password, connection
time, etc.). 


But. there's one more thing I need. 


Lets say a user has 1 hour of connection time (Session-Timeout := 3600) and
stays on the network for 20 minutes than disconnects. Chillispot is informed
of this and sends freeradius an "Accounting-Request" message with
"Acct-Status-Type=stop" attribute and "Acct-Session-Time=1200" attribute.


Now, how could I subtract the elapsed time from the original Session-Timeout
time? So that the user will, at the next login, only have 40minutes left.






"The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it."

(Oscar Wilde)


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