JRS - Proxying v2

Arran Cudbard-Bell A.Cudbard-Bell at sussex.ac.uk
Sun Apr 8 00:48:37 CEST 2007

Alan DeKok wrote:
>   Yes, they're in CVS.  Also see raddb/templates.conf for some minimal
> documentation.
Hmm didn't come through in the install :(
>> And i'm guessing templates are global too :) ? So they can also be used 
>> in clients and anywhere else you have to repeat something over and over 
>> again ??
>   Almost anywhere.  Sub-sections aren't supported yet (e.g. multiple SQL
> modules).
Aww, would be cool if they were. I do actually use multiple sql 
configurations, but they're just selecting data from different databases
so much of the configuration is the same. But still very nice :)
>   Thanks.  It's a great feature, and it should make life much easier
> with the amount of configuration that the home_server section takes.

# Jrs Config
jrs_config {
        server0 = roaming0.ja.net
        server1 = roaming1.ja.net
        server2 = roaming2.ja.net
        secret0 = theirkey
        secret1 = theirkey
        secret2 = theirkey
templates {
        realm {
        server_pool {
                type = client-balance
        home_server {
                response_window = 20
                zombie_period = 40
                revive_interval = 120
                ping_check = request
                ping_interval = 30
                num_pings_to_alive = 3
                username = "test_user at sussex"
                password = "just_testing"

# Server Pools
realm jrs {
        auth_pool = jrs_auth_cb
        acct_pool = jrs_acct_cb
# Server Pools
server_pool jrs_auth_cb {
                 home_server = jrs0_auth
        #       home_server = jrs1_auth
        #       home_server = jrs2_auth
server_pool jrs_acct_cb {
                 home_server = jrs0_acct
        #       home_server = jrs1_acct
        #       home_server = jrs2_acct
# Home Servers
home_server jrs0_auth {
                hostname = ${jrs_config.server0}
                secret = ${jrs_config.secret0}
                port = 1812
                type = auth
home_server jrs0_acct {
                hostname = ${jrs_config.server0}
                secret = ${jrs_config.secret0}
                port = 1813
                type = acct
home_server jrs1_auth {
                hostname = ${jrs_config.server1}
                secret = ${jrs_config.secret1}
                port = 1812
                type = auth
home_server jrs1_acct {
                hostname = ${jrs_config.server1}
                secret = ${jrs_config.secret1}
                port = 1813
                type = acct
home_server jrs2_auth {
                hostname = ${jrs_config.server2}
                secret = ${jrs_config.secret2}
                port = 1812
                type = auth
home_server jrs2_acct {
                hostname = ${jrs_config.server2}
                secret = ${jrs_config.secret2}
                port = 1813
                type = acct

Now if only I could enable multiple home servers in the same pool ;-)

I've been thinking about the DNS issue, if every time a hostname string 
is used then a hostname lookup must be performed
then your right thats really icky. A possible solution would be 
something resembling the expressions module,

ipaddr = '%{lookup:hostname.com}

This way lookups would only be performed on HUP / server restart, so you 
get the advantages of a dynamic lookup without
the associated hammering on local / global dns servers.

Of couse you can do exactly the same thing with exec, just this would 
bring the feature into freeradius :)

If you don't feel like writing the code i'd be happy to do it, would 
make a nice starting project.


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