ip pool for dynamic users

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Apr 12 21:21:31 CEST 2007

ann kok wrote:
> Regarding to separate ip spool
> eg: radius 1. ip from x.x.x.2 - x.x.x.127
> radius 2. ip from x.x.x.128 to x.x.x.254
> if the radius1 is used up the ip, ls the client
> automatically asking the radius2 to get the ip?


  But you can configure radius1 to proxy the request to radius2 if the
IP pool on radius1 is completely allocated.

  Alan DeKok.
  http://deployingradius.com       - The web site of the book
  http://deployingradius.com/blog/ - The blog

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