Problem for IPv6 Connection...

Vikas Bagora vikas.bagora at
Fri Aug 31 13:11:27 CEST 2007

Hi All, 
  Sending Clear Information...
  1. I am using freeradius-server-2.0.0-pre1 Version(which support for IPv6 also).
  2. My Objective is ( Radius Client Information):
       Make Radius Server to accept the request from the IPv6 client(Embedded System).
          - My Client has dual TCP/IP Stack  enable(IPv4 / IPv6).
        - My Client IPv6 IP Address is 2001:0:0:1::175.
        - Sending Radius Packet to 2001:0:0:1::105( Radius Server is running 
          in this IPv6 IP Address).
3. Radius Server Information:
    Current situation is, Radius Server is getting the Radius Client Request Packet and not     
      responding to its client for the received request packet.
         - In Radius Server "clients.conf" file is modified with :
         client 2001:0:0:1::175 {
                 secret = pass
                 Shortname = admin
        - "users" file is modified in only with this lines :
           vikas  User-Password == password
                  Service-Type = Administrative
      - "radiusd.conf" is changed to ( to accept the IPv6 Request):
         listen {
           #  IP address on which to listen.
           #  Allowed values are:
           # dotted quad (
           #       hostname    (
           #       wildcard    (*)
           # ipaddr = * (COMMENTED THIS LINE)
             #  OR, you can use an IPv6 address, but not both
           #  at the same time.
               ipv6addr = :: # any.  ::1 == localhost (UNCOMMENTED THIS LINE)
  These are the Changes i have made for Radius Server.
  When i try to login from the CLI to my embedded system with:
            username: vikas
            password: password
  The Server shows following messeges..( LOG IN ATTACHMENT).
  5. So, with this behaviour my Radius Client is getting time out after 3 tries to connect with   
      server. This is not the same with IPv4 request, where in IPv4 from the same     
      Embedded system the Radius Server is responding, but with "access-reject" packet. 
      LOG FOR IPv4 response from Server :
      RADIUS_CLIENT::process_radius_response() - received a response (2741423ms) 
      code 3, identifier 0, length 20, port index 0, src ip ::ffff:, src port 1812
  Please let me know what changes are require in either side of Radius Server / Radius Client.
  Vikas s


Alan DeKok <aland at> wrote:
  Vikas Bagora wrote:
> I want to use the Radius Server where the requesting Client are IPv6 Host.

Is this in 2.0.0-pr2?

> I have changed the users file:
> vikas User-Password == password

No. See the FAQ.

> Service-Type = Administrative-User
> But, the RADIUS SERVER is showing:
> rlm_pap: WARNING! No "known good" password found for the user.
> Authentication may fail because of this.

This problem has nothing to do with IPv6. It is because you haven't
configured the users file entry correctly.

> I have enabled the IPv6 connection line form radiusd.conf file.

I have no idea what that means.

Alan DeKok.
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