ip assignment issue with poptop

Thibault Le Meur Thibault.LeMeur at supelec.fr
Tue Dec 11 09:33:21 CET 2007


hadi golestani a écrit :
> Hi,
> I wana use freeradius to dynamically assign ip to my vpn clients.
> so I defined an ip pool with the range of <> 
> to <>,
> with the radtest command , I'm getting the the ip in answer but while 
> trying to connect from vpn client and at the same time looking the 
> debug mod output there's no ip returned in answer.

Look at the debug: below you can see:
rlm_ippool: Found Framed-IP-Address attribute in reply attribute list.
rlm_ippool: override is set to no. Return NOOP.

It seems that your user meet 2 lines of your user files:
    users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 173
    users: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 185

Line 173 for instance may assign Framed-IP-Address and since your 
rlm_ippool module is set not to override the already assigned IP 
address, then it does nothing (NO OPeration).

See "override = yes" option in your ippool section.

Hope this helps,

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