Freeradius and Oracle under Cygwin

Brian Atkins batkins at
Tue Jan 30 17:02:52 CET 2007

Alan DeKok wrote:
>   Which directory were you in when you ran configure?  It *should* be
> the top-level directory, not src/modules/rlm_sql/....

I tried from the rlm_sql_oracle directory under sources:


As long as I have ORACLE_HOME set, then the configure passes, but the 
make fails no matter what. I did try from


But it complains about not being able to locate rules.mak. Based on the 
locations of the and rules.mak in the Makefile, I assumed that 
rlm_sql_oracle was the correct directory.

include ../../../../../

TARGET         = rlm_sql_oracle
SRCS           = sql_oracle.c
RLM_SQL_CFLAGS =  -I/cygdrive/d/oracle/ora92/rdbms/demo \
                   -I/cygdrive/d/oracle/ora92/rdbms/public \
                   -I/cygdrive/d/oracle/ora92/plsql/public \
                   -I/cygdrive/d/oracle/ora92/network/public \
                   -I/cygdrive/d/oracle/ora92/oci/include $(INCLTDL)
RLM_SQL_LIBS   =  -L/cygdrive/d/oracle/ora92/lib -lclntsh -lm

include ../rules.mak

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