SQL IP Pool maximum timeout.

Peter Nixon listuser at peternixon.net
Wed Jul 11 20:35:56 CEST 2007

> > that wasn't my understanding of how the expiration works in sqlippool.
> > The 'allocate-clear' query looks like this: 
> >
> > allocate-clear = "UPDATE radippool \
> >   SET NASIPAddress = '', pool_key = 0, CallingStationId = '', \
> >   expiry_time = NOW() - INTERVAL 1 SECOND \
> >   WHERE pool_key = '${pool-key}'"
> >
> > Which, by my understanding, should only clear IP's for which we are
> > seeing a REPEAT login on the same 'pool-key' (although I think it should
> > probably add a test for the same NASIPAddress in the WHERE clause, I
> > keep meaning to ask Peter about that).
> Thats probably not a bad idea.

I take that back. It seems like a good idea, but that will break things for 
ISPs who have multiple NAS in failover or OSPF groups and therefore can 
happily assign the same IP to the same user even if they are connected to a 
different physical NAS.



Peter Nixon

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