RADIUS attributes: acctoutputoctects and acctinputoctect inmikrotik

Peter Nixon listuser at peternixon.net
Wed Jul 25 11:12:49 CEST 2007

On Wed 25 Jul 2007, Santiago Balaguer García wrote:
> However, I work with a Nomadix 2000 and Nomadix 2100, and I did the same
> 10 MB download. So I did a test downloading the last MT firmware version:
> 2.9.44 (10.4 MB):
> Nomadix [Acct-Input-Octets]: 12533328
> Nomadix [Acct-Output-Octets]: 271598
> Mikrotik[Acct-Input-Octets]: 248630
> Mikrotik[Acct-Output-Octets]: 11441495
> Are you sure that it works fine?

This would appear to show that the Microtik is correct and the Nomadix is 
wrong... If you ware downloading from the device the the bulk of the traffic 
should be in the Acct-Output-Octets counter (ie. Traffic Output from the 
device towards you)



Peter Nixon

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