2.0.0 documentation for radiusd.conf

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Jun 28 06:54:38 CEST 2007

Hugh Messenger wrote:
> My only suggestion is adding some examples to the man page, and/or in the
> config file comments.  I'm sure you already intend to do this, just wanted
> to get it back on your radar.  As has been noted by others, unlang is likely
> to top the league table of FMF's (Frequently Misunderstood Features).

  Examples will go into raddb/sites-available/*.  e.g. How to do X?
Look in file "X".

  As always, patches are welcome.

  It also means that the server can ship with a number of canned
configuration files for various purposes.

  Alan DeKok.

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