IPv6 deployment "howto"

Matthias Cramer matthias.cramer at interway.ch
Mon Oct 8 11:01:14 CEST 2007

>> What magic lines would I need to add to my Cisco and what magic to add
>> to FreeRadius?
>> Anyone have Dialup clients being issued IPv6 addresses yet?
>> 1 - I expect to add some sort of IPv6 field to MySQL (ie - for a static
>> IPv6 address or to signify the NAS to use a Dynamic address)
>> 2 - I expect the "authorize_check_query" and other SQL queries to change
>> a bit... ie return IPv6 data - without breaking IPv4 only NAS's
>> 3 - I expect to add an IPv6 pool and other lines of magic to my Cisco.
>   There's Framed-IPv6-prefix, where you can assign Ip's to a client.

I do it with:

cisco-avpair = "ipv6:route#1=2001:dead:beef::/64"

I do not use dynamic allocation.



Matthias Cramer / mc322-ripe   System & Network Manager
Interway Communication GmbH    Phone +41 43 500 1111
Josefstrasse 225               Fax   +41 44 271 3535
CH-8005 Zürich                 http://www.interway.ch/
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