WPA-Enterprise with TTLS fails to authenticate (from Windows ok, but Linux fails).

Janusz Syrytczyk jsyrytczyk at uni.opole.pl
Mon Sep 24 14:11:30 CEST 2007

Monday 24 September 2007 13:30:45 Alan DeKok napisał(a):
> Janusz Syrytczyk wrote:
> > Problem is that I cannot authenticate to my network with wpa_supplicant,
> > although I could, and from Windows & Secure2w TTLS wrapper - I can. I use
> > Gentoo and did some upgrades (but nothing special I guess, kernel is the
> > same, and wpa_supplicant also)
> ...
> > Ready to process requests.
>  < deleted>
> >         EAP-Message = 0x020200060315
> ...
> >  rlm_eap: EAP-NAK asked for EAP-Type/ttls
>   So the server starts EAP-TTLS:
> > Sending Access-Challenge of id 90 to port 4347
> >         EAP-Message = 0x010300061520
>   The server increments the EAP id (byte 2 of the EAP-Message)
> > rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=91,
> > length=201
> ...
> >         EAP-Message = 0x020200060315
>   And the supplicant responds with an EAP NAK, sating "No, I want
>   Either the AP is broken, or the supplicant is broken.  The supplicant
> SHOULD NOT send back a NAK for something it just asked for.  It should
> also increment the EAP id field (byte 2).  Instead, it re-uses the EAP Id.
>   If the AP is broken, then it's the one that decides to NOT send the
> EAP-TTLS start to the supplicant.  Instead, it just echoes back the NAK
> that the supplicant previously sent.
>   Check the supplicant logs.  If it's really sending the NAK twice, then
> it is broken.  If it's sending the NAK once, then the AP is broken.
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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I need to check my logs, but at once I tried changing AP... and it worked. So 
I assume you're right, and now I will try to debug my supplicant and if it 
goes right - change AP config (which is Cisco AP1242).

Partly solved, I'll post more comments later.

Syrytczyk Janusz - Administrator serwerów
Centrum Informatyczne Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Nr telefonu: +48 77 452-70-91
E-mail: jsyrytczyk at uni.opole.pl

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