Strange CHAP/PAP issue (Version 1.1.6)[sic!]

Wojciech Ziniewicz wojtek at
Wed Sep 26 09:11:40 CEST 2007

Dnia Śr Września 26 2007, 2:26 am, Alan DeKok napisał(a):
> Wojciech Ziniewicz wrote:
>> Now , after deleting theese lines :
> ...
>> I've got the following :
>> rlm_sql (sql): No matching entry in the database for request from user
>> [TEST]
>>   modcall[authorize]: module "sql" returns notfound for request 0
>   Then you did something else, or your configuration is NOT what you
> said it was.

Yeah , my mistake ;)

>   See?  Either the client is broken, OR the password you entered on the
> client isn't the same as the one you put into the DB.
>   There have been a LOT of problems on this list which have been tracked
> down to broken PPPoE servers.

I am wondering - the only pppoe-server on linux that is free and most
popular is rp-pppoe - i bet that at least 95% people use it and i know
success stories with (whatever)-chap authentication on it. This is in fact
the source of my frustration.

Maybe i do something uncorrect with the operators ? or there are too few
attributes/values in my radcheck/radreply ?

As I understand for now - My client gives me the password md5'ed with the
challenge , then my server compares the client's string with
cleartext-password (not md5'ed with challenge) which is bad OR he does not
show the md5'ed form of the cleartext-password....

I am going to try default config for freeradius, maybe this will help.

Again, thank You for your help and time!


Wojciech Ziniewicz
Administrator Cebit

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