yet ANOTHER EAP-TTLS/PAP with OpenLDAP problem ...

Alan DeKok aland at
Tue Apr 1 17:14:26 CEST 2008

Sylvain Robitaille wrote:
>... So far it's performing better than
> 1.1.6, but that's with a significantly different configuration than
> 1.1.6 has (I'm much closer to an uneditted default config with 2.0.3).

  Remember: the default configuration *works*. :)

> Hrmmm... That one segfaults on the first authentication request it
> receives.  Correction: it's an accounting request for a "stop".

  Likely because of version numbers, etc.  If you re-build && install
*one* module, it might not work.  If you install everything from the
same source tree, it should work.

> For some reason, I seem unable to get this to produce a core file to
> try and track it down any further ("limit coredumpsize unlimited" as
> root hasn't helped).  I'm not really able to spend more time on that,
> given that I have a working 2.0.3, with patched rlm_pap, but if there's
> something I can do to help gather more information I'm certainly willing
> to try.

  Don't worry about it.

> Thanks to all who have followed along with this, and especially, of
> course, to all who followed up with suggestions, recommendations, and
> fixes.  Thanks also to those who put in so much time into creating and
> maintaining this package.  You're making other people's jobs easier!

  That's the goal. :)

  Alan DeKok.

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