freeradius 2.0.3 peap, mschapv2, sql

Ivan Kalik tnt at
Mon Apr 7 13:55:11 CEST 2008

>I have following problem, I compiling and installing freeradius 2.0.3 from tgz. I configuring him for authorizing  from windows clients (Winxp), whith using mysql to save login and password.
>The problem is that if password in sql is saved as user-password authorization works fine, but if I save password in MD5 or DES authorization don't work.
>SQL entry:
>mysql> select * from radcheck;
>| id | username | attribute          | op | value                              |
>|  5 | test     | User-Password      | == | test1                              |
>|  7 | gabo2    | MD5-Password       | == | $1$7MAOFK8L$5s0zdXoefcE10UfSAjf831 |
>radius -X output:

You can't store MD5-Passwords and do mschap.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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