assert failed event.c and perl performance

Julien Leloup jujuleloup at
Tue Apr 8 10:57:49 CEST 2008


I'm running FreeRadius 2.0.3 under FreeBSD 6.3, in a proxy 
configuration. This server is using rlm_perl in a post-proxy phase to 
realize some operations on Access-Accept attributes, with the use of a 
MySQL database.

The same configuration, in FreeRadius 2.0.1 worked fine, but when I 
recompiled Perl 5.8.8 with IThreads support, I also upgraded FreeRadius 
in 2.0.3 and now I'm going through an error, only when the home server 
is not alive, or not responding :

Rejecting request 0 due to lack of any response from home server x.x.x.x 
port 1645
There was no response configured: rejecting request 0
  Found Post-Auth-Type Reject
+- entering group REJECT
        expand: %{User-Name} -> xxxxx
 attr_filter: Matched entry DEFAULT at line 11
++[attr_filter.access_reject] returns updated
Sending Access-Reject of id 215 to x.x.x.x port 49727
Finished request 0.
ASSERT FAILED event.c[956]: request->next_callback != NULL

This error is happening even if I use a non-IThread Perl, or if I remove 
the use of rlm_perl in post-proxy, so I'm pretty sure it's not related 
to the use of the thread configuration of Perl.

Does anyone having the same problem ? I haven't found a trace of this 
kind of bug between 2.0.1 and 2.0.3 versions of FreeRadius, only a 
discussion on this mailing list from september 2007.

Subsidiary question : I'm not a perl, or freeradius performance expert, 
so I'm not sure if it's necessary to use a thread configuration of Perl 
to handle something like 40.000 proxied requests (in a "Armageddon" 
scenario), with a decent server. What do you think about it ?

Best regards,

Julien Leloup
130/132 Boulevard Camélinat

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