Failing to authenticate using FreeRadius(in OpenBSD) + XP as a client +Linksys AP (WRT54v2.2) using peap

Alan DeKok aland at
Sat Aug 16 11:08:13 CEST 2008

Maurizio Cimaschi wrote:
> Venkata LK Mula wrote:
>> The 'Code: Access-challenge (11)' frame from server to the
>> client is showing 'Checksum: 0x921e [incorrect, should be
>> 0x206c]' error. please find the ethereal log as attached as
>> 'eap-failure1'.
> All the packets from your server have that problems; so it's probably a
> bug in ethereal, because the IP stack of the AP should have discarded
> those packets.

  No.  Modern systems often offload packet checksum calculations to the
hardware, which "fixes" the packets before they're sent on the wire.
Ethereal on the *local* machine will often show the wrong checksums,
because they haven't been calculated yet.

  In recent versions of Wireshark, just click on the offending packet.
It will show that the checksum is incorrect, and will display a message
explaining why.

  Please don't give *wrong* advice.  It doesn't help anyone.

  Alan DeKok.

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