EAP-TNC supported?

Martin Schneider martincschneider at googlemail.com
Thu Aug 21 08:36:07 CEST 2008


2008/8/20 Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com>:
> Martin Schneider wrote:
>> - I read in wikipedia, that the spring 2008 release of FreeRadius has
>> "experimental EAP-TNC" support. I couldn't find any information on the
>> FreeRadius homepage or wiki, that this information is correct. Has FreeRadius
>> EAP-TNC support? And "how experimental" is the EAP-TNC support?
>  It's very experimental.  Some people have gotten it to work, but I
> don't think it's ready for production use.

What a pity!

Does anybody know about a patch or something for FreeRadius that adds
more stable EAP-TNC processing? I heard about a patch from FH Hannover
(http://tnc.inform.fh-hannover.de/wiki/index.php/Main_Page) but I
don't know how good this one works. Did maybe anybody of you guys play
with that patch?

>> - In case FreeRadius supports EAP-TNC, is it possible to run EAP-TNC
>> "inside" a EAP-TTLS tunnel? EAP-TTLS as outer method and EAP-TNC as
>> inner method?
>  No.  EAP-TNC is designed to be run as an authorization method *after*
> the user has been authenticated.  It *cannot* be run all by itself
> inside of a TTLS tunnel.
>  You can run it inside of the TTLS tunnel after another EAP method has
> been executed.  You may have to edit the source code to get this to work.

Ok, thanks for clarifying this point! I really mixed this one up.

I read in the EAP-TTLS draft, that you can perform mutual
authentication of server AND client using EAP-TTLS. (Client also needs
a Certificate...). So theoretically you should be able to run EAP-TNC
directly after EAP-TTLS in the TLS tunnel without any other user
authenticating EAP-method?


>  Alan DeKok.
> -
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