Monitoring Tool for Freeradius

Julian Stöver julian_st at
Mon Feb 4 18:43:27 CET 2008

ok, I will search some cisco documentation for that! but if someone  
knows a solution i woult be thankful for a solution (to log usernames  
from cisco 1360AG in radacct).

thank you all for helping me


Am 04.02.2008 um 18:36 schrieb Alan DeKok:

> Julian Stöver wrote:
>> Hm no, I don't use Mac Authentication.
>  The AP is informing you of activities related to MAC addresses:
>> Accounting request:
>>> rad_recv: Accounting-Request packet from host,
>>> id=29, length=330
> ...
>>>        User-Name = "001e528015c6"
>  That looks like a MAC address to me.
> ...
>>>        Acct-Terminate-Cause = Lost-Carrier
>  i.e. the user walked away from the AP, or turned their computer off.
>  Again, this is all generated by the NAS.  If you don't want this  
> data,
> tell the NAS to stop sending it, OR tell FreeRADIUs to stop logging  
> it.
>  Alan DeKok.
> -
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