Wifi and Client-Side authentication

Bill Farina billf at venture-1.com
Sun Feb 17 18:56:27 CET 2008

Here's the scenario, I have a Linksys WRT54GS running DD-WRT RC5 
which is fully configured for Radius.  I have a small FreeBSD server 
running FreeRadius-1.1.7_2.  HTTPD (or Apache) has not been installed 
on the system and in it's current configuration would be difficult to 
do so.  The BSD box is also running PAP which makes it very easy to 
configure accounts and it's a account creation method that I'm 
familiar and comfortable with.   The two machines are currently 

What I'm trying to do is figure out a way that I can authenticate 
enduser machines using this setup.  What I would like to see is upon 
the initial login attempt, a popup comes up and asks for username and 
password.  From that point on, everything would be automatic on the 
user-side and individual client machines would store all of the login 

I'm not opposed to adding software to client machines to facilitate the login.

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