header enrichment

mauro zedder_hallen at yahoo.it
Thu Feb 28 11:26:04 CET 2008

please have a look inline thanks
> Normally in a mobile services there's no specification into the header
> about connection type.
*Which header?  You are assuming that everyone here is familiar with 3g
*terminology.  You were already told we were not.
i didn't mention anything about 3G, i spoke about mobile services, i think you know perfectly wich kind of services I'm talkig about, anyway I can try to support you:

Mobile Services: means all the services that a mobile Operator can give to the customers, from SMS to WAP connections, normally when the user connect to Mobile Operator network infrastructure the connection ( mainly if we are talking about WAP connection) is treathed as an internet connection and the mobile browser request contain http header as well as common internet header.
Now using some infrastructure is possible to add more parameters to the header......>>>>

> many sniffing were done but only specific equipment allows to enrich the
> header with this inofrmation,

*Could you describe what you mean in more words?  It is meaningless to
*say "enrich the header".  We have no idea what you mean by that.

enrich the header as for google search is a particular feature of a system to add specific tag to the header and it's a common way to describe procedure.
here below in attach and example of mobile header and the voice Nokia-bearer is that one that gives info about connection type: we need to determinate the type of of the connection

to add to the header the needed parameters normally into a mobile operator
some particualr equipment are used as well as radius server  to get network parameters as connection type 
( i mean connection established by7 the user)
this is why I asked for
i hope is everything clear now!

------header example---
GET /wap/ HTTP/1.0
If-None-Match: "0-6f-3e6cf51a"
Accept: image/gif, text/x-vCalendar, image/vnd.wap.wbmp,
application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc, text/x-vCard, application/vnd.wap.wmlc,
application/vnd.wap.wbxml, text/vnd.wap.wml, text/vnd.wap.wmlscript, text/plain
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Charset: US-ASCII, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8,
profile: http://wap.sonyericssonmobile.com/UAprof/T200.xml
User-Agent: SonyEricssonT200/R101
bearer-indication: 0
accept-application: 1,2

X-Nokia-gateway-id: NAWG/3.1/Build52
Via: WTP/1.1 Vodafone wap FTC (Nokia WAP Gateway
3.1/ECD9/3.1.52), 1.1 vlsp1:9010
Host: redsox.tcs.auckland.ac.nz


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