Looking for some Ascend Max TNT documentation

Chad Whitten cwhitten at metronetsys.com
Wed Jan 16 17:00:46 CET 2008


I run a few NAS devices, all Lucent/Ascend Max TNT with a freeradius
server.   Im trying to locate some documentation on the Max TNT to
change some options and the site I used to use - hal-pc.org/~ascend
doesnt seem to be available any longer.  Thought I might try my luck

What I am needing to do is simply turn off radius authentication for
one of the boxes and let anything that connects - connect.

Chad Whitten
Metro Network Solutions
(601) 366-6630 Phone
(601) 366-6066 Fax
(601) 842-6804 Cellular
(601) 519-4172 Pager
cwhitten at metronetsys.com

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