rlm_perl build on mac osx

Info info at sparkmediagroup.com
Fri Jan 18 23:14:10 CET 2008


Thanks for your quick response! Yes, I'm aware that apple has  
included FR into Leopard and am curious to see how it works in that  
version of the OS once I move to it eventually. However, for the  
Tiger users of which I'll remain for a while, I'd like to provide  
ease of installation via macports.

Though a build-able 1.1.7 is available via macports right now, it  
needs a patch -- which may be a moot point now that 2.0 is here and  
it fixes the trouble that stripping the binaries (i.e, the  
INSTALLSTRIP -s switch) caused.

I'll look more into the PATH setting for building against 5.10.  
Perhaps adding the PERL5LIB variable in my env will do the trick.


James H. Graham II, Creative Director • Spark Media Group
6511 Allegheny Avenue • Takoma Park, MD 20912-4737
Tel: 301.270.4810 • Fax: 301.270.4812 • www.sparkmediagroup.com

On Jan 18, 2008, at 3:19 PM, A.L.M.Buxey at lboro.ac.uk wrote:


several folk run FreeRADIUS on MacOSX already - and Apple even
have added code themselves - I believe FR is the fundamental
EAP system in eg latest airport/timecapsule product (though
I may be wrong on that aspect of usage! ;-) )

> 2] Is perl only a build dependency for rlm_perl, or does the module  
> make
> runtime calls to external perl libs?

correct. its only for rlm_perl

> 3] I've discovered with an install of perl 5.10 that, during  
> configure (of
> freeradius 2), the linker chooses the /System/Library/5.8.6... over  
> the new
> perl ( at {prefix}/lib/perl/5.10.0 ). The only thing I can guess is  
> that
> when searching for perl libs/includes, the linker only expands to seek
> version n.n.n and does not recognize a two digit subversion n.nn.n. If
> that's what's happening, is that patchable?

or likely its a PATH problem and you have to tell it where your 5.10.0
is living.

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