certificates in FR 2.0.1 on windows doesnt works

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Fri Jan 25 14:19:43 CET 2008

orion wrote:
> the import of client.p12 is ok but it doesnt have a valid link
> it is ca->server->client

  What does that mean?

> and the details of the server certificate tells that "is not authorized
> to issue certificates" .

  Where does it say that?  Which certificate tool are you using to look
at the certificates?

> the client certificates tells that is issued by the server not by the ca.

  Yes, that is supposed to happen.

> the question is :
> the client certificate should be issued by the server or by the ca?


> in fact after modified the Makefile and client.cnf and re-importing them
> in xp
> then the linkage is ok.  ( ca->client )

  That's not how it's supposed to work.

  Alan DeKok.

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