detail records

Pshem Kowalczyk pshem.k at
Wed Jul 9 23:25:15 CEST 2008


> We're using freeradius 2.0.5 in our test environment and noticed that our
> detail record doesn't have "Freeradius-Proxied-To" information like our
> current production radius which is still running an old version of
> freeradius. We currently setup the accounting record to be proxied to a
> remote radius server and running in debug mode showed that the accounting
> record was being sent to remote server but nothing in detail record. Is this
> something I have to specify on a config file?

You can easily add that functionality using unlang:

        pre-proxy {
                update proxy-request {
                        Freeradius-Proxied-To := "%{control:Proxy-To-Realm}"


kind regards

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