about "freeradius accepts anybody"

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Jul 10 15:39:20 CEST 2008

Sergio Yébenes Moreno wrote:
> I don't want to use passwords.

  Then why did the configurations you posted use passwords?

> Now  I want to put 3 virtual server, one for DNIe and one for another
> public CA (FNMT) that have less range than DNIe. I'd like to ask you, if
> you know. "authorize" section supports unlang and we can use User-Name,
> for example, to authenticate in any virtual server. I suspect that I
> can't do this based on signer of client certificate. The point is that
> common name in certificates signed by FNMT comes with a prefix
> well-known, and DNIe CommonName comes with a suffix well-known. I don't
> know how to begin.....hints file, sites-enabled, regular
> expressions....Freeradius virtual servers documentation shows virtual
> server based on IP, access points, server pools, but nothing about user
> credentials.....

  Because it's not supported.  If it was supported, it would have been

  Alan DeKok.

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