debug log [was Re: freeradius ippool issue] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Ranner, Frank MR Frank.Ranner at
Mon Jul 21 01:40:53 CEST 2008


> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> at lists.fre [mailto:freeradius-users-> at] On 
> Behalf Of Josip Rodin
> Sent: Friday, 18 July 2008 23:19
> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
> Subject: Re: debug log [was Re: freeradius ippool issue]
> Oh. These seemingly random expansions have always surprised 
> me. The other
> day I just happened to stumble upon that when writing:
> 	if ((Connect-Info != "NONE") && (Connect-Info < "%Y%m%d")) {
> It would be good if this was documented somewhere - I 
> actually looked in
> the unlang manual page for a way to get a date string, but 
> found nothing.
> So I tried running date(1) inside backticks for a start, but 
> then I noticed
> that freeradius was expanding those expressions in the command line
> arguments. Then I tried to get the same in a normal quoted string, and
> it worked. Magic. :)
> The unlang(5) manual says:
>   Double-quoted strings are expanded by inserting the value of any
>   variables (see VARIABLES, below) before being evaluated.
> However, the VARIABLES section doesn't mention that those date-format
> strings are actually treated as variables whose names are 
> single letters.
> It does mention the results of regular expression matches, where there
> are eight variables whose names are single numbers, so this looks like
> an omission.

See variables.txt :-

  One-character variables

  The following one-character variables are also defined.  However, they
are duplicates of the previous general cases, and are only provided
for backwards compatibility.  They WILL BE removed in a future
release.  They also do NOT permit the use of conditional syntax
(':-'), as described above.

    Variable  Description                 Proper Equivalent
    --------  -----------                 ----------------
     %a       Protocol (SLIP/PPP)         %{Framed-Protocol}
     %c       Callback-Number             %{Callback-Number}
     %d       request day (DD)

     %C       clientname
     %D       request date (YYYYMMDD)
     %H       request hour
     %L       radlog_dir                  %{config:logdir}
     %M       MTU                         %{Framed-MTU}
     %R       radius_dir                  %{config:raddbdir}
     %S       request timestamp
                in SQL format
     %T       request timestamp
                in database format
     %U       Stripped User name          %{Stripped-User-Name}
     %V       Request-Authenticator
     %Y       request year (YYYY)
     %Z       All request attributes
               except password
               (must have a big buffer)

This is from 1.1.x - I assume the file still exists in version 2.x


Frank Ranner

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