Token Authorization

krzychk2 krzychk2 at
Wed Jul 23 21:31:02 CEST 2008

Dnia 2008-07-23, śro o godzinie 21:06 +0200, Alan DeKok pisze:
> krzychk2 wrote:
> > I'd like to do a solution like token authentication.
>   Token authentication is usually done as part of an existing
> authentication protocol.
>   Which authentication protocol do you plan on using?
>   Alan DeKok.
> -
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Well I'm in that happy situation that I'm at the beginning of the
project and I can choose auth protocol. The only 
condition is that this has to be done by RADIUS server. So more
protocols than better for me.

So far I have done simple Active Directory User authorization threw
kerberos (radius connects to AD threw kerberos and authorize users), now
only tokens. AD LDAP also has no secrets for me so I can get the 
necessary informations for building tokens. 

Krzysztof Kardas

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