matching on IP Address

King, Adam adam.king at
Tue Jun 17 17:04:37 CEST 2008

Hi, thanks for the help so far, the match based on the ip and the realm now works! As mentioned below the redundant section from the sites-enabled/default file does not process so the if statement needs sql1: or sql2: in there instead of sql: and the redundant section picking up on the live server. In radiusd.conf there are 2 lines saying $INCLUDE sql1.conf and $INCLUDE sql2.conf. How can I get this working?
Thanks again


Adam King
Network Engineer
adam.king at

InTechnology plc
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-----Original Message-----

From: at [ at] On Behalf Of Ivan Kalik
Sent: 17 June 2008 13:50
To: FreeRadius users mailing list
Subject: RE: matching on IP Address

In 2.0 you can also use unlang to update the request:

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 17/6/2008, "King, Adam" <adam.king at> piše:

>I have switched it to sql1: so the statement now reads
>if("%{sql1: SELECT COUNT(nas_ip) FROM `nas_ip` WHERE
>nas_ip='%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}' AND realm='adam'}" >0 ) {
>redundant {
>Obviously the redundant section isn't being picked up at the moment
>which is why it needed to be sql1: or sql2: thanks for that (I will come
>back to the redundant section at the moment
>What I need to work out now is how to have the realm working as a
>variable eg ... AND realm='%{realm}'}"...
>I am reading the freeradius wiki, specifically
>Is this the best way to go about this? Assuming the way I am approaching
>this is possible?!
>Thanks again
>Adam King
>Network Engineer
>adam.king at
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