freeradius+pptpd+mysq -> rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 6

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Mar 19 09:06:46 CET 2008

Vladi Lemurov wrote:
> but when I try to connect to pptpd, pptpd doesn't even try to connect to
> radius server (I even tried to listen
> with tcpdump on lo for packets going to ports 1812 and 1813, caught
> nothing from pptpd) and gives me the following errors:
> rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 6

  You have not configured *pptpd* with the correct dictionaries.

> I've googled and found out that usually this happens because
> isn't in the dictionary path or it is of
> some different format. I double checked it and put the working
> file in the proper place - still not working.

  What "proper place"?

> Then I've made some mistakes in the on purpose (I
> wrote sdfgsdfsdfsd there) and radiusd -fX complained on it, thus
> it does see this dictionary:

  You have changed the dictionary file on *FreeRADIUS*, not on *pptpd*.
    They are different programs.

> What am I doing wrong? Below I've copypasted config files of pptpd
> radius and their debug logs.

  <sigh>  Do NOT post the FreeRADIUS dictionaries to this list.  There
is nothing wrong with the dictionaries.

  DO configure pptpd to point to the RADIUS dictionaries it needs.

  Alan DeKok.

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